Hi There
They say I should have a portfolio page, so here it is.
See that picture above? Yup, that’s me. From a few years ago. With hair & a beard. I probably don’t have either now but I still have that shirt. Got it at Walmart. Non-wrinkle, so I can grab it from the bottom of my closet where I threw it after my last zoom meeting where I felt I should wear a collared shirt and can throw it on – badda bing, badda boom.
Oh yeah, I also write.
Blog Articles
I like doing blogs, and I’ve written on all kinds of topics. In fact, one of my clients said I perfectly captured her feminine voice, so there’s that.
Research reports, Strategic Plan reports. All kinds of reports. The bigger the better. It pays well & people don’t expect me to turn it around in a day or two. So hell yeah, let’s do some reports!
Ebooks & White Papers
Kinda like reports, but different. But yeah, we like doing these too – probably my favourite kind of projects. Nothing better than taking a big, deep dive into a topic! And by we, I mean me.
Training/Workshop Content
Love doing this too – lots of content, takes considerable time, pays well too. See a pattern here?
Social Media Content
I’ll do this if I have to – I’ve done a lot of it, but no, it isn’t my favourite thing to do. Mostly because I get distracted easily & before you know it I’ve spent the afternoon watching bird videos.
Creative Copywriting
Oh man, I hate copywriting. But I’ll do it if you insist. If I have to. I guess. But my copywriting services come with a heavy dose of procrastination & I’ll get to it right after this other bird video.